Sunday Mornings

8:30 AM – 10:10 AM
8:30 AM – 10:10 AM

This is a great time for people to connect with friends and church family; to build relationships one cup at a time. Join us for a cup of coffee, tea, or juice along with something sweet, while we build relationships and enjoy a time of fellowship.


Adult Classes
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM: Intentional, Systematic Teaching with Real-Life Implementation. Classes alternate between Biblical Book Studies & Topical Studies.

Jr./Sr. High
Currently we offer a combined Jr. High and Sr. High Class following the same schedule as our adult classes and greenhouse kids which can be found below.

Special Classes
Will include (but not limited to) a New Member’s Class & Basics Class.

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Nursery – 6th Grade
Greenhouses are designed to provide a warm and safe environment for young plants to grow. As seedlings develop in strength, they are eventually removed from the greenhouse and planted in the outside world to grow, produce and multiply. Likewise, our desire in this Sunday morning ministry is that Greenhouse Kids will provide a loving atmosphere where the spiritual growth of young children will increase and flourish. We pray that the Word of God and the love of Christ will propel them into the world to bear fruit and reap a harvest for the Lord. We believe Greenhouse Kids is a safe and fun place for children to grow in their walk with the Lord.

10:15 AM - 11:30 AM
10:15 AM - 11:30 AM

Worship Service
This service is the heart of our church as we have a real encounter with the Living God that revives us. We want to participate in edifying fellowship, authentic & engaging worship, and Biblical preaching with heart-changing application.


Our nursery is available both during Greenhouse Kids/Logos Classes and our Revive Service for birth through 36 months. Within the nursery, we provide a private enclosed Mother’s Area for nursing and private bottle feeding. In the nursery we use an iPad for a secure check-in and all of our adult volunteers are background checked. If the need should arise, our check-in program allows us to text parents for quick and easy communication. We look forward to showing your precious children the love of God as we allow you, the parents and grandparents, a chance to focus on worship without distraction.

Psalm 127:3 says, “Children are a gift from God.” Our volunteers are people who cherish and treasure children as a gift from God. Thank you for entrusting us with your treasures!

Children’s Church

We welcome children 3 years through 1st Grade for our Children’s Church program. Children 3 years through kindergarten attend Children’s church every Sunday during half of the Revive service. Currently our curriculum is Group’s “Buzz Curriculum.” We are excited about this curriculum as our children experience Bible truths in ways they enjoy and understand. Our children learn through many different activities-whether that’s reading, acting, drawing, listening, singing, playing a game, and more. Most importantly our children learn from the Bible.