Youth Group

Grade 7 - 12

Youth Group meets on Sundays between 6:00 – 7:30 PM and serves in Awana on Wednesday nights  from 6:30 – 8:00 PM during the school year. On Sunday evenings our Youth Group is structured like a Life Group. At this time we meet at the Church. Time is spent on prayer, God’s Word, fellowship, and Outreach. Our Youth Group also participates in many activities through out the year. For example: WOL REVERB, Dare2Share, our Canada Wilderness Trip (every few years), Mission Trips, Skyview Ranch Summer Camp, and Serving at our VBS.


Ever wonder where God is taking you? Have you ever wondered why your life can suddenly change when everything seems to be going right? Or when life seems hard and you have no clue when it’s going to turn for the better? DETOUR is a Youth Group committed to following God’s way, not our own. Sometimes this means that in any moment of your life, God may throw a detour your way to take you off your path and put you on His (Psalm 16:11). Throughout these detours, there are times when we feel God has left us. We are longing for the next sign to point us in the right direction because we desire to follow Him (1 Peter 2:21). Then, when we’re not expecting it, God shows us another detour to assure us that He is always there and in control. So…where is God taking you?

DETOUR Calendar

DETOUR Calendar

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