Our Beliefs

Doctrinal Statement

We, the West Hill Baptist Church of Akron, Ohio, endeavor to set forth here our distinctive beliefs and doctrines. We are made humble believing the Bible to be the infallible Word of God, accepting it as our authority and guide. We teach, preach and believe the full Word of God. We continue to stand firm in the timeless Biblical faith even in the midst of the treacherous modernism that is creeping into Christendom today.

In More Detail

Presented below are the principles and beliefs we endorse, accompanied by corresponding Scriptural references.

  1. We believe that the Holy Bible was written by men divinely inspired by God, and that it is the only infallible rule of faith and practice (II Tim. 3:16, 17; II Pet. 1:20, 21; II Sam. 23:2; Acts 1:16; 3:20, 21; John 10:35; Luke 16:29-31; Ps. 119:111; Rom. 3:1, 2).
  2. We believe the Bible is the truth of God in its entirety. (Prov. 30:5, 6; John 17:17; Rom. 3:4; Rev. 22:18, 19).
  1. We believe that there is only one living and true God, infinite in all of His attributes (John 4:24; Psalms 147:5; Heb. 3:4; Rom. 1:20; Jer. 10:10).
  2. We believe that in the mystery of the Trinity, there are three persons: God, the Father; God, the Son; and God, the Holy Spirit (Matt. 28:19; John 15:26; II Cor. 13:14; I John 5:7).
  1. We believe that man was created holy (Gen. 1:27; Gen. 1:31; Eccl. 7:29; Acts 17:26-29) but, willfully violating the law of his Maker, he fell from that state (Gen. 2:16, 17; Gen. 3:6-24; Rom. 5:12).
  2. We believe all mankind became sinners (Ps. 51:6; Rom. 5:15-19; 8:7; John 3:6) not by constraint, but by choice (Isa. 53:6; Gen. 6:12; Rom. 3:9-18).
  3. We believe that man as such, is without exception, justly exposed to everlasting condemnation (Eph. 2:1-3; Rom. 1:18, 32; 2:1-16; Gal. 3:10; Matt. 20:15).
  1. We believe that the only way of escape from this condemnation is through the substitutionary atonement of the Son of God (John 3:16; John 1:1-14; Heb. 4:14, 12:24), who through the Virgin Birth took to himself a human nature (Matt. 1:20-23; Luke 1:26-35; 2:1-7; John 1:14), yet without sin (Heb. 4:15), and by His sufferings, death, and resurrection made full satisfaction to the justice of God for the sin of man (Isa. 53:4, 5; Matt. 20:28; Rom. 4:25; 3:21-26; I John 4:10; 2:2; I Cor. 15:1-4; Heb. 9:13-14).
  2. We believe that salvation is by grace apart from works or merit (Eph. 2:8, 9; II Tim. 1:9; Rom. 3:24; Eph. 1:6, 7; Rom. 5:20, 21; Titus 2:10; Titus 3:5-7).
  3. We believe that salvation comes by faith (Eph. 2:8, 9; Gal. 2:16; Rom. 3:28; Rom. 4:3, 18; Gal. 2:20, 21; Rom. 5:19; Titus 3:5-7; Rom. 1:5), which includes repentance (Acts 17:30; Luke 13:3; Matt. 3:2; Acts 2:28; Matt. 4:17; Mark 6:12).
  4. We believe that salvation can be received by WHOSOEVER will believe on the Lord Jesus Christ (Rev. 22:17; 3:20; Rom. 10:13; John 3:16; John 1:12).
  1. God promises and gives eternal life (John 3:16; 3:18; 3:36; 5:24; 6:47).
  2. The believer has everlasting life (John 5:24; 3:18; 3:36; 6:47; 10:27, 30).
  3. Christians do not keep themselves (I Pet. 1:3-6; Jude 24, 25; John 10:28).
  4. The Christian is hidden with Christ in God (Col. 3:3).
  5. The believer can never lose his salvation (John 10:27-36).
  6. Nothing can separate us from the love of God (Rom. 8:35-39).
  7. When a Christian sins, God chastises him and keeps him (Heb. 12:5-11; Ps. 89:30-36).
  8. The sins of Christians are not charged to them (Rom. 4:7-8; Rom. 8:1).
  1. We believe that a visible church of Christ is a congregation of baptized believers (I Cor. 1:1-13; Matt. 18:17; Acts 5:11; I Cor. 4:17; 14:23);
  2. Associated by covenant in the faith of fellowship of the Gospel (Acts 2:41, 42, 47; II Cor. 8:5; I Cor. 5:12);
  3. Observing the ordinances of Christ (II Cor. 11:2; II Thess. 3:6; Rom. 16:17-20; I Cor. 11:23-26);
  4. And governed by His laws (Matt. 28:19, 20; John 14:15; 15:12; I John 4:21; John 14:21; I Thess. 4:2);
  5. And that the only Scriptural offices are bishops or pastors, and deacons (Phil. 1:1; Acts 14:23; I Tim. Third Chapter; Titus First Chapter).
    1. Scriptural baptism is by immersion. The Greek word for baptize means immerse and never means sprinkle or pour. Scriptures about baptism also make immersion absolutely necessary in the ordinance. Baptism must be in water (Matt. 3:11; Mark 1:5; Matt. 3:13); in much water (John 3:23; Mark 1:9); going down into the water (Acts 3:38); burial in water (Rom. 6:4; Col. 2:12); resurrection from the water (Rom. 6:5; Col. 2:12); and coming up out of the water (Acts 8:39; Mark 1:10).
    2. There are at least four things necessary for the administration of the ordinance of baptism.
      1. There must be the proper subject – a saved person;
      2. The proper authority – a church of the Lord Jesus Christ;
      3. The proper purpose – to show salvation, not to procure it;
      4. And in the proper mode – immersion.
    3. The purpose of baptism is:
      1. To set forth the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ (Rom. 6:3, 4);
      2. To show the individual’s salvation by death to sin and resurrection to new life in Christ (Rom. 6:4, 11);
      3. An illustration by figure symbol of salvation (I Peter 3:21);
      4. The first step of obedience to Christ’s command (Matt. 28:19-20).
    4. Baptism is not necessary for salvation.
    5. Every Christian should be baptized, not in order to save him but because he is saved (Acts 10:48; Matt. 28:19; Mark 1:9; Matt. 3:15-17).
    6. Infant baptism is not acceptable, because it does not fulfill the Biblical requirements for a Scriptural baptism.
    1. We believe that the Lord’s Supper is an ordinance of Christ’s Church wherein the elements are bread and unfermented wine. The bread symbolizes the body of Christ given for salvation of men, and the grape juice symbolizes His blood shed for the redemption of sins (I Cor. 1:24-26; Matt. 26:26-29; Mark 14:22-25; Luke 22:14-20).
    2. The participants of this ordinance are those who have been saved, and who are willing to examine themselves as to their worthiness to participate in the Lord’s Supper (I Cor. 11:27-31).
  1. We believe that a Biblically defined marriage is the sacred union of one biologically born man
    and one biologically born woman in a covenant relationship with God as designed and
    instituted by God for the purposes of companionship, intimacy and procreation (Genesis 1:28;
    2:18, 21-24; Matthew 19:4-6).
  2. We also believe that sexual intimacy is to be expressed only within the bounds of a Biblically
    defined marriage. And we believe that any other form of marriage or sexual intimacy is
    sinful; it is immoral and a perversion of God’s gracious will (Romans 1:26-27, 1 Timothy
    1:10, Hebrews 13:4 and 1 Corinthians 6:9).
  3. We believe in God’s divine design in creating mankind in His image: male and female,
    sexually different but equal personal dignity. We believe in affirming one’s biological sex and
    that one should refrain from all attempts to change, alter, adjust, or disregard one’s
    biologically born sex. (Genesis 1:27; 2:7-9, 15-25; 9:7; 19:1-13; Exodus 20:14; Leviticus 18,
    20:10-21; Deuteronomy 5:18; 22:5; Matthew 15:19; 19:4-9; Mark 10:6-12; Romans 1:26-27;
    1 Corinthians 6:9-13; Galatians 5:19-21; Ephesians 5:22-33; Colossians 3:5; 1 Thessalonians
    4:3-5; 1 Timothy 1:8-10; Hebrews 13:4; Jude 1:7).
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